Currently we use Watchguard´s Dimension Server to monitor all of our devices. I was testing Dimension using the VMWare Player on my Windows 8 desktop and their Dimension 1.1U ova file and it works just fine.
However to permanently implement this, I created a new box specifically for this process and did the following:
Installed Ubuntu 14.04 Server LTS (64-bit) on a Dell Optiplex 755
-- Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4GHz
-- 4GB DDR-800
-- 1TB Seagate HDD
-- Using the Xbuntu desktop for the GUI.
Appears to work fine.
Purchased VMWare Player Plus, installed the latest Linux client (6.0.2 build-1744117), which seems to work fine as well
-- Downloaded the Dimension 1.2 ova file
-- Tried using Open a Virtual Machine to add it
-- VMWare Player crashes and sends an error report
I tried adding the older Dimension 1.1U ova and it crashes as well.
Because I´ve tried this multiple times, it is no longer sending crash reports. Don´t know how to re-enable them.
Watchguard says that VMWare Player is not officially supported but one of their head devs says that it shouldn´t be a problem since he´s seen a lot of people use it to test with and they don´t have issues. Heck, we´ve ran it for 2 months without problems on Windows 8....?
My original (and working) setup was:
Windows 8
i5-3570 3.4GHz
8GB DDR3-1600