I got "The VMWare Tools poweron script did not run succesfully in this virtual machine" error during guest OS startup. It is like in this old discussion:
. I decided to make a separate one cause that one was very old.
I checked power state scripts in /etc/vmware-tools/ directory and they seem to be ok. I checked which scripts are currently in use and it`s the default ones.
Hope for your help, I`m really curious what`s not right.
Error Message: "The VMware Tools power-on script did not run successfully in this virtual machine. If you have configured a custom power-on script in this virtual machine, make sure that it contains no errors. You can also submit a support request to report this issue."
VMWare Player v6.0.1 build-1379776, x86
Host OS Win7 SP1 x64
Guest OS SlackWare Linux 14.1 x86 (3.1 kernel) (The Slackware Linux Project: Slackware Release Notes) (http://www.slackware.com/releasenotes/packages14.1.php)
I installed VMWare tools in guest OS (all default features - shared folders, drag-n-drop, resolution adjustment, unity mode works).