OK, finally I found time to contine with the recovery-attempts...
I have added hard disk OLD-MAGRO2.vmdk and OLD-MAGRO2-0.vmdk
The disks are shown in 'Virtual Machine Settings' as
Hard Disk (IDE) 149.1GB
Hard Disk 2 (IDE) 111.8GB
With windows explorer I see drive E: F: G: H:
Clicking E: I get
Cannot access E:
File or Folder corrupt or unreadable.
Same thing with F: G: and H:
When I use chkdsk E: it complains
"Filesystem type is NTFS
Unable to determine volume version and state, chkdsk aborted".
I guess I have to accept the fact that for whatever reason the original and the backup of the vmdk's are corrupt.
In the future I will *backup* my system not just create a vmdk.
Thank you for your time.