Hi WoodyZ
Thanks for your answer.
I Totally understand the ifrst part of your answer, however - this excatly what happened.
One mintue the VM in up and running ans after installing the Linux VM - it can not be loaded.
Because it happened something like 3 weeks ago - I might be wrong...Is it possible that a player update was required to support the linux machine?
Maybe all it was is installing the VMware Tools
Are the VMware tools installed on the VM level, or is it at the player level - that is, it is common to all VM on a given host?
As for the second part of your answer you probably right... the message is:
Bad Image (error code c000007b)
The Application or DLL \??\c:\windows\system32\DGI32.dll is not a valid windows iamge. Please check this against your installtion diskette.